
Fame | Scott Jennings net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Scott Jennings? When is Scott Jennings's birthday? Where is Scott Jennings born? Where did Scott Jennings grow up from? What's Scott Jennings's age?

Scott Jennings Born: October 26, 1977 (age 45years), Dawson Springs, Kentucky, United States

Is Scott Jennings married? When did Scott Jennings get married? Who's Scott Jennings's married to? (Who's Scott Jennings's husband / wife)?

Scott Jennings Spouse: Autumn Stiff Jennings

Scott Jennings Education: University of Louisville

Jennings is married to Autumn Stiff Jennings, of Whitesville, Kentucky. They have four children, and live in Prospect, Kentucky.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-08-14