
Fame | Rodner Figueroa net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Rodner Figueroa? When is Rodner Figueroa's birthday? Where is Rodner Figueroa born? Where did Rodner Figueroa grow up from? What's Rodner Figueroa's age?

Rodner Figueroa Born: 1972 (age 51years), Caracas, Venezuela

Rodner Figueroa Parents: Eucaris Rigual Delgado, Juan Figueroa

Rodner Figueroa Nationality: Venezuelan

Rodner Figueroa Current_partner: Ernesto Mathies

The Venezuelan presenter Rodner Figueroa is ready to reappear on the small screen half a year after his departure from Telemundo. The fashionista was recently announced as one of the hosts of the red carpet for the fourth edition of the Premios Tu Msica Urbano 2023, which will be broadcast by Telemundo Puerto Rico.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-01