
Fame | Koby Altman net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Koby Altman Posit: President of Basketball Operations

How old is Koby Altman? When is Koby Altman's birthday? Where is Koby Altman born? Where did Koby Altman grow up from? What's Koby Altman's age?

Koby Altman Born: September 16, 1982 (age 40years), Brooklyn, New York, United States

Koby Altman Coach_career: 20072012

Koby Altman Education: University of Massachusetts Amherst (20072009), Middlebury College, New Utrecht High School

Koby Altman Nationality: American

A sociology major and three-year starting point guard at Middlebury, he went on to earn his master's degree at the University of Massachusetts.


In 2016, the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA championship.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-03-07