
Fame | Gordon Murray net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about Gordon Murray's educ?

Gordon Murray Educ: Glenwood High School

How about Gordon Murray's employ?

Gordon Murray Employ: Gordon Murray Design (2005present); McLaren Group (19872004); Brabham (19691986)

How old is Gordon Murray? When is Gordon Murray's birthday? Where is Gordon Murray born? Where did Gordon Murray grow up from? What's Gordon Murray's age?

Gordon Murray Born: 1946 (age 77years), Durban, South Africa

How about Gordon Murray's known_for?

Gordon Murray Known_for: Brabham Motor Racing; Team McLaren; McLaren F1

Is Gordon Murray married? When did Gordon Murray get married? Who's Gordon Murray's married to? (Who's Gordon Murray's husband / wife)?

Gordon Murray Spouse: Stella Gane

How about Gordon Murray's nationality?

Gordon Murray Nationality: British, South African

How about Gordon Murray's founded organization?

Gordon Murray Founded organization: Gordon Murray Automotive, Light Car Company

How much is a Gordon Murray car?

The original concept was conceived by Gordon Murray, who successfully convinced Ron Dennis to back the project and hired car designer Peter Stevens to design the exterior and interior of the car.

How many championships did Gordon Murray win?

The original concept was conceived by Gordon Murray, who successfully convinced Ron Dennis to back the project and hired car designer Peter Stevens to design the exterior and interior of the car.

Who designed the F1 McLaren?

The original concept was conceived by Gordon Murray, who successfully convinced Ron Dennis to back the project and hired car designer Peter Stevens to design the exterior and interior of the car.

Where are Gordon Murray cars made?

Gordon Murray Automotive Type 50
ManufacturerGordon Murray Automotive
Also calledGMA T.50
Production2023 (expected)
AssemblyEngland: Dunsfold, Surrey (Gordon Murray Design Ltd)


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-20