
Fame | Geoffrey Fieger net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Geoffrey Fieger? When is Geoffrey Fieger's birthday? Where is Geoffrey Fieger born? Where did Geoffrey Fieger grow up from? What's Geoffrey Fieger's age?

Geoffrey Fieger Born: December 23, 1950 (age 72years), Detroit, Michigan, United States

How about Geoffrey Fieger's movies?

Geoffrey Fieger Movies: Right to Exit, Talked to Death

Is Geoffrey Fieger married? When did Geoffrey Fieger get married? Who's Geoffrey Fieger's married to? (Who's Geoffrey Fieger's husband / wife)?

Geoffrey Fieger Spouse: Kathleen Fieger

How about Geoffrey Fieger's parents?

Geoffrey Fieger Parents: Bernard Julian Fieger, June Beth Fieger

How about Geoffrey Fieger's sibling?

Geoffrey Fieger Sibling: Doug Fieger, Beth Fieger

How about Geoffrey Fieger's education?

Geoffrey Fieger Education: College of Law, University of Michigan

How about Geoffrey Fieger's party?

Geoffrey Fieger Party: Democratic Party

What happened to Jeff Fieger?

Fieger, 72, was having a medical procedure for minor heart arrhythmia on March 1st where afterward, he suffered a stroke according to his wife Keenie Fieger and James Harrington of the Fieger Law Firm.

Has Geoffrey Fieger recovered?

Fieger, 72, is awake and resting comfortably, said James Harrington, vice president and managing partner at Fieger Law. "Geoffrey is a true fighter and is working hard in his recovery," Harrington said.

Who defended Kevorkian?


Jack Kevorkian, the man who became known as \u201cDr. Death\u201d in the 1990s as a result of helping more than 100 chronically ill patients end their suffering through assisted suicide. Fieger successfully defended Kevorkian through seven murder trials, and became nationally known...


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-07-21